August 28, 2020 / By Aditya Engagements
Just 3 days before Christmas 2019, we took a road trip with Tania and Andrew for their engagement photo shoot. We drove to Batur Geopark early in the morning to catch the breathtaking sunrise. But we were a bit late, the sun has said hello from the back of the mountain.
Hahahaha…. Batur Geopark offers plenty of beautiful photo spots, so we decided to go around the geopark a bit, before moving to the next destination on the west coast of Bali, Nyanyi Beach. It was quite a long journey as we traveled from the east to the west, from sunrise to sunset, but both Tania and Andrew enjoyed the trip so much.
They prepared a pair of smoke flare for the beach photo shoot and we gave them a little extra arch and LED fairy lights to end the sunset photo shoot. Thank you Tania and Andrew for taking us on the ride. 🙂
Captured by Aditya Mahatva Yodha